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Author: creativemedia

What Type of Office Attracts Top Talent? According to Forbes, the secret to attracting high-quality applicants is differentiating yourself from other industry players, and showing top talent how joining your company can help them reach their career goals. Your company’s office is a concrete and tangible way...

Tips to Create the Perfect Office In 2019 "These days, we demand everything from our workplaces: privacy, personality, hospitality, flexibility. We want sitting desks and standing desks, napping areas and play areas. We expect our workplaces to be all things at all times, such that we forget their essential...

8 Workspace Wellness Ideas A healthy work environment is key to job satisfaction but remember “wellness isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Wellness initiatives that are important to one employee might not be as important to another. Every employee’s journey to a healthier lifestyle is unique, and it...

By the year 2025, Millennials are projected to make up 75% of the workforce. Hence, it is prudent to design office spaces that cater to their preferences, such as open spaces, ample natural light, and various amenities (2). The office environment is considered a reflection...