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Does your workspace need a shakeup? Thinking of downsizing your office? Upsizing? Or moving out completely and starting afresh somewhere new? Our Strategic Workplace Evaluation will help you adapt your workplace to new ways of working.

Tired of hearing ‘hybrid’ or the ‘new office normal’?
Worried your current workplace isn’t being used to its full potential?
Are your employees dissatisfied with their working setup?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, an impartial report carried out by our team of workplace experts can help you identify smart, tangible, and cost-effective solutions for your business.

After all, recent research shows over 50% of US professionals prefer hybrid working to anything else. How do you adapt your workspace to today’s new world of work then? What does that look like? Cutting down on space to cut costs? Cutting down on desks but keeping your existing space? Moving to a new location, even? Let us provide you with a roadmap to workplace success.

What is Strategic Workplace Evaluation?

Workplace Evaluation Report

It’s an unbiased evaluation done by our team of experts to discover how your workplace functions.

Now more than ever, businesses need to know if their physical workplace is operating to its full potential. After spending just a few days in your workplace we can provide an honest picture of how efficient your workplace really is.

We don’t just identify problems – we recommend a strategic pathway to a workplace that’s built to respond to change and deliver quantifiable results for your business.
of tenants expected to increase their use of flex space as part of their post-pandemic work strategy
0 %
of workers want a workplace that offers a destination for human connection
0 %
of US executives planning increased investment in conference rooms with enhanced tech connectivity
0 %
employees prefer in-office collaboration for tasks like brainstorming and problem-solving.
under 0 %

Why do I need a Strategic Workplace Evaluation?

In today’s competitive employment landscape, talented and experienced professionals demand more than a mere desk and chair. In order to attract and retain top talent, businesses must provide a workplace that is conducive to both high levels of productivity and high levels of employee engagement. By opting for a Strategic Workplace Evaluation, businesses can take their first steps toward meeting that demand.

This short, collaborative and fun evaluation helps you get an honest picture of how well your workplace is performing, without going to the trouble of committing to redesign projects and expensive plans that might not be the best solution to your challenges.

Data-driven Insights

Forget industry jargon and pointless buzzwords. We provide a personalized and data-driven evaluation to help you make decisions that are informed and cost-effective.


A happy, productive workplace requires satisfied and motivated staff. That’s why we conduct in-depth, activity-based workshops, helping you identify and improve those cultures, behaviors and attitudes that form the foundation of your business.

Bespoke Improvement Plans

With a Strategic Workplace Evaluation, you’ll get more than just a report. You can expect a custom development strategy ready to present to your company board - outlining the key next steps you should take to ensure your workplace is streamlined & ready to respond to future challenges.

Request a Strategic Workplace Evaluation