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When It Comes To Office Redesign, Play It Safe!

Redesigned kitchen and breakroom

When It Comes To Office Redesign, Play It Safe!

Here at RI Group, we not only focus on creating more efficient workplaces with well-being in mind, we also place a high priority on safety. For some, government regulations and ensuring employee safety can pose an overwhelming challenge. But if you think about it, safety takes on a broader scope in the grand scheme of things. And we can help in that regard.

Morale can be positively impacted when employees know you’re taking every measure possible to protect them from harm. It shows that you care about their well-being, which might translate into a more confident, responsive staff. Speaking of positive, check out last week’s blog for some great ideas.

Just as important is the effect on your bottom line. The investment made in safety could easily be eclipsed by the cost of work related accidents. Here’s an online calculator where you can plug in numbers to see for yourself.

Are you ready to redesign your office and need safety guidance? Get in touch and let us help you!

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