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What A Branded Office Looks Like

Branded office that utilizes company colors in various areas such as the carpet, platers and wall art.

What A Branded Office Looks Like

Let’s start off this topic with an important question, “What is a brand?” The word “brand” gets thrown around frequently but many who use it know not the full meaning or scope of what that entails for a business.

Is it a logo? Is it a color scheme? Is it a carefully crafted tag line? Is it a mascot? Is it a philosophy? The answer is yes, all of these things and more.

The original definition of “brand” is the name given to a product or service from a specific source.  Used in this sense, “brand,” is similar to the current meaning of the word “trademark,” and is derived from the marks given to cattle by the ranchers who moved them across the plains. Hence a brand is a symbol or arrangement of words and/or images that combine to form a specific business identity. This brings us to another concept, which is, “identity.” An identity of an individual or a business cannot stand on one character trait alone, that would assume everything that we experience would at face value be one dimensional, have little meaning and be of no value to begin with. That is a scary notion to say the least.

The most popular brands like Coca-cola, Apple, Nike, etc., have dedicated years of market research and incomprehensible amounts of funds to remain visible and relevant in an ever-evolving tech-heavy world. They have become staples in their respective industries and literally burned their iconic imagery into our brains.

Creating an office that oozes a business’ brand isn’t about slapping the logo on everything and calling it a day, it’s about creating a culture that represents who the company is and what they do. At its core, branding an office brings a company’s mission statement to life and occupies the space where that company functions. A well-branded space supports the visual brand by supporting the mission and purpose. It gives a familiar experience that customers are used to interacting with through print and digital advertising. It supports brand standards such as color, fonts, and messaging. If you show that you care about the customers’ experiences, it builds brand loyalty and longevity. Building consistency will also translate into credibility and through visual cues; a business can reinforce who they are.


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