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Things To Consider When Planning An Office Relocation

a traditional style office with modern furniture to brighten the room

Things To Consider When Planning An Office Relocation

Things To Consider When Planning An Office Relocation

Long before you begin packing up, you should start assembling your relocation plan. Begin with the big picture in mind. This should include your future business goals, your current goals and employee needs.

  • Think about the general area which you plan to settle and the lease stipulations you are capable of having.
  • Determine who will be the primary person in charge of the move, whether it be you or someone else within your company. This person will serve as the in-office move coordinator and he or she should be a great organizer who has the authority to represent your company and be capable of making snap decisions when necessary.
  • You will need to find a reliable broker or business real estate agent to help assisting you find the right space. RI Group has contacts in the real estate industry who can help you with this.
  • Draft your business development and expansion strategy with expansion in mind, noting new hires and space requirements that you might need over the next several years.
  • Discuss the move with your stakeholders, including investors and employees. How do your employees feel about the new location you are considering moving to?
  • Assess all your current expenditures and compare them against the new office location. Will travel expenditures be going up?
  • Ensure that there is heating, and cooling built into space. Make sure there are spaces and amenities like a kitchen, communal spaces, multiple bathrooms.
  • Work with your IT department head in planning the new office infrastructure.
  • Think of employees and visiting clients.  Scout out the immediate area for restaurants, shops and cafés, public transportation and parking. 
  • “Once you have selected your new place, you need to finalize your office relocation project plan to make the process as easy as possible. Before the moving trucks come, make sure you’ve finalized the lease for the new location and notified your current landlord of your move-out date. Advise your staff far in advance of the date and location of the move. Create a master list of everything, like mail services and bank accounts, that might be affected by moving, then send them moving notices. Bid and draft a contract with a moving company.” – Kisi
  • Replace outdated equipment and furnishings. Perform an inventory and decide what items will be moved or replaced. Also, decide how you will dispose of the outdated office furniture and equipment.
  • Relocation also provides a great opportunity to purge unnecessary files and move paper records to digital.
  • Know or determine your key dates, such as current lease termination, preferred move date, new lease signing, new office build-out start and finish, and a final date for completion of the move.

Are you looking to relocate your workplace?

It’s never too soon to get in touch with a workplace design/build firm. We can assist you from every aspect of the move and help you determine what size and type of space you need; taking your current and future business goals into account. If you aren’t sure whether you should move or not, RI Group is here to help you make that decision too. We can perform space utilization and test-fit studies to see what your existing space is capable of.

Schedule an introductory visit with one of our Office Space Advisors! 






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