Making your office future-proof with a SWE

The easy way to future-proof your office space

Making your office future-proof with a SWE

If you’re unsure about the future of your workplace, we’re here to help.

Workplaces look different in our post-pandemic world. Hybrid and hotdesking are the new normal and after two years of no commuting, many workers are reluctant to get back into their daily time-drain journeys.

It would be easy to think that WFH (work from home) is the real workplace of the future, but it’s time to think again…

Workplace render of employees playing ping pong

73% of employees want to work in a sociable workplace

A recent survey from Microsoft and the Harvard Business Review paints a very different picture to that of the world’s workforce holed up at home with the only form of collaboration being Zoom. 

Its research found:

  • 85% of U.S. employees would be motivated to go back into the office to rebuild team bonds 
  • 84% of employees would be motivated to go into the office if they could socialize with coworkers and…
  • 73% of employees would go to the office more frequently if they knew their direct team members would be there. 

While circumstances may change, the human need for contact doesn’t. This is good news for companies looking to team-build and develop a thriving company culture. In 2023, old ways of working just won’t work. With working practices continuing to shift at lightning-speed, today’s workplaces need to keep up.

Future proof modern office

Offices that stay ahead of the curve

What does a workplace that moves with the times look like? 

We get asked this question A LOT. 

  • Does it look like cutting down on space to cut costs and cater to smaller in-house teams?
  • Does it involve creating innovative spaces within an existing space to appeal to new talent? 
  • Getting rid of that third floor no one uses anymore or moving to a whole new location? 
  • Creating a hub in which keen-for-collaboration work colleagues can come together and hangout in their downtime?

In our opinion it’s likely a mix of all of the above, but it really depends on a company’s unique and specific needs. 

RI has developed a Strategic Workplace Evaluation (SWE) service which supports our clients in developing workplaces that promise a roadmap to business success in today’s shifting climate. We’re talking about and creating future-ready workplaces with clients every day and we love it!

modern office with human sized chess board

What is RI’s Strategic Workplace Evaluation?

The purpose of our Strategic Workplace Evaluation (SWE) service is to gather input from you and combine it with our expertise in workplace trends to develop a practical, smart, successful and data-driven plan for the future of your workplace in four simple steps: 

Preparing your workplace for the future in four simple steps:

Strategic Workplace Evaluation

1. Insights 

Our team sits down with you at a time that works for you to listen to your company’s challenges and gain insights into your goals and vision.

2. Evaluate

We take a deep dive into your existing location/building, existing workplace, HR policies/culture, employee health/wellbeing and technology to gain an understanding of how your business operates. We monitor what’s working well and what could use improvement and uncover what may be bringing people to the office as well as what might be stopping employees from doing so. 

3. Workshop 

Our team then returns to our office to review what we’ve evaluated and develop a blueprint for the future of your workplace. We make recommendations for each of the categories we’ve evaluated and provide a personalized, data-driven report including a marked-up floor plan with suggested changes and a design palette. It’s a realistic plan which outlines the key next steps to take to ensure your workplace is streamlined and ready to respond to the changing needs of your business and its people. 

4. Analysis + Implementation 

Then it’s up to you. With your team, you can analyze the blueprint we’ve created and If you feel it’s time to implement, we’ll be right here to help you. We’re one team with one vision…your success. 

strategic workplace evaluation report


Workplaces of 2023 and beyond will look very different to pre-pandemic offices, but as statistics show, while employees love the flexibility of a hybrid worklife, the majority of them are also hankering for human connection and collaboration. They desire to be back with their teams in a space that brings out the best in everyone. A flexible workplace designed with these needs in mind is extremely beneficial and one that will never go obsolete. 

If you have found yourself questioning elements of your workplace then the chances are, it’s a good time for some critical evaluation and strategic planning. At RI we love being able to support our clients to create their dream workplace. After all, our mission is to create inspiring workplaces that attract, retain, and motivate top talent to help your business grow and prosper.

Would you like some advice on taking your office space to the next level?

RI is here to help you create your ideal workplace. Whether its reimagining an existing space in the form of our SWE or planning/building one from scratch, we’re ready to help! 

Discover more about SWE

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