How to Keep Your Office Clean During the Coronavirus Outbreak

"How to keep Your office Clean During the Coronavirus Outbreak"

How to Keep Your Office Clean During the Coronavirus Outbreak

With the current outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), you may be wondering how to avoid the spread of germs in your workplace. Below are some tips we recommend to help prevent the spread of sickness.

Tip #1 – Disinfect common areas and frequently-touched objects

Your office must be kept clean in order to keep employees healthy. Common areas within your workplace should be disinfected several times a day. This includes café tables, countertops, door handles and other frequently-touched objects such as copiers, keyboards and desks.

Tip #2 – Use good hygiene and etiquette

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that anyone working in an office should wash their hands often with antibacterial soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Office staff should avoid touching their face and avoid close contact with people that are showing symptoms of sickness. Every employee should keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer on their desk.

Tip #3 – Use cleaners correctly

Follow the directions closely on the back of cleaning bottles to ensure that the disinfectant actually disinfects!

Tip #4 – Postpone large company events, meetings or parties

If you had a company event or party planned, we recommend that you consider postponing it. This will prevent the spread of germs and sickness.

Tip #5 – Allow sick employees to work remote

Allow employees who have flu symptoms to work remote. This is highly recommended by the Health Department in order to prevent widespread exposure of sickness to employees and therefore employees’ families. Even if the sickness isn’t affecting an employee badly, they should remember that they are contagious and could spread the germ to someone who can’t fight illnesses easily.

Tip #6 – Stock your café with immunity-boosting snacks

Put away the food jars that employees dig into and instead stock your café with snacks like oranges and yogurt. Citrus fruits like oranges contain Vitamin C which boosts immunity. Yogurts contain probiotics which also boost the immune system.

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