How Office Interior Design Can Boost Productivity

Team members chatting in open concept multipurpose room after returning to work

How Office Interior Design Can Boost Productivity

Despite the recent boom in remote working, 52% of workers still say their jobs are reliant on in-person collaboration. It comes as no surprise that people work better together – it’s human nature after all. That’s why facilitating healthy collaboration is more important now than ever before.

If your staff are returning to a shared workplace, it’s important to encourage interactivity, comfort and wellness in your space. Here are a few key office design tips to boost productivity in your workplace:

Comfort & Belonging

Did you know 45% of workers say they form ‘most of their new friendships’ in the workplace? Your staff are more likely to build relationships if they feel comfortable and secure throughout the day. By creating a community for your employees, they’ll feel valued and more attached to your environment. It’s super simple to achieve too. Small comfort features like soft seating areas and cushions, or amenities like bike racks and free snacks promote convenience and satisfaction for your workers. It might not be a second home, but the sense of togetherness that people-led workplace creates is second to none.

Collaborative Areas

Intelligent office design doesn’t just make people work better: it spurs on growth and makes those targets more achievable. With more than half of U.S. workers reliant on in-person collaboration, it’s crucial to support this with well-designed infrastructure. Whether it’s an interactive board for brainstorming, team meeting rooms, hives, lunch spaces, Zoom rooms or just somewhere to grab a quick coffee – diverse shared spaces promote healthy communication patterns that positively impact the day-to-day operation of your business.

Wellbeing First

Workplaces should be in-sync with the mental and physiological needs of their staff. It’s simple: if you feel good, your day runs smoother. That’s why a tailored wellbeing strategy is something all businesses should consider for their people. By analyzing the needs of your employees, you can cater a space that supports a seamless flow of working activities, all whilst giving staff the assurance that they’re being put first. If possible, consider outside areas that provide access to fresh air and give your people a much-needed vitamin D boost. Even dedicated contemplation rooms, collaboration areas, plants and vibrant artwork can all positively impact the culture of wellbeing in your workplace.

Biophilic Design

Plants are the number one trend of 2021, and that’s for a reason! Data shows that ‘green’ offices with plants made staff 15% more productive. The concept of biophilia is based on the premise that once humans connect with nature, they experience improved health, concentration, creativity and performance. By bringing the outdoors inside, you can reduce stress, blood pressure and heart rates amongst staff. It’s so easy to bring green power to your workplace too: plants, greenery, views of nature, flowing water and natural materials all contribute to the positive energy that biophilic design creates in your space.

Are you ready to boost productivity in your workplace?

RI Workplace’s office project team delivers exciting, yet functional spaces bespoke to your company and vision.

We’re here to help you make the right choice for your business. Get in touch and discover the solution for you.

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