Finish Materials And How They Affect The Overall Design Of A Space

An assortment of materials ranging from textiles to tile

Finish Materials And How They Affect The Overall Design Of A Space

Finish Materials And How They Affect The Overall Design Of A Space

Materials and finishes play a critical role in workplace design. They are the elements that set the tone and vibe of a space. Changing one material can drastically transform the feeling so it is critical to choose the right materials so that the correct message is conveyed in your workplace.

When asked questions such as:

  • Wood, glass or metal?
  • Carpet, hardwood or tile?

Keep these tips in mind:

Keep it light and bright.

“Visible light helps to stimulate the body’s production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which can reduce the symptoms of depression.”

Keep functionality at the center.

Surfaces like travertine may be stunning, but they won’t be ideal for writing. Some finishes are beautiful, but are they user-friendly?

Keep it purposeful.

Don’t make things too precious or your people won’t dare to work there!

Keep it cost-effective.

To achieve optimum performance in your workplace investment, assess the performance versus cost of each design element and building component.






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