Design Talk: Meet our Founder & CEO, Rob Scott

design talk with rob scott

Design Talk: Meet our Founder & CEO, Rob Scott

With more than 30 years in the workplace design and build-out industry, RI Founder & CEO, Rob Scott has a passion for fusing functional design with powerful aesthetics. In our latest Design Talk interview, Rob shares his past experience, present challenges and future insights for the workspace design industry.

Tell us about your background and how you got into the workplace design industry…

I worked for a drywall partitioning and ceiling company for many years, first as a tradesman wearing the tools, then as a project manager. From there I started my own business in the same line of work, branching out to include cabinet-making and furniture, benefiting from the talents of my four sons. Finally we followed some good advice and began to offer the entire package: design, build-out and furniture, with the goal of providing unique designs and uncommon quality in every type of commercial space. 

How have workplaces changed during your career? 

Workplaces have evolved from vanilla boxes and cubicle farms with low ceilings and dull lighting to become spacious, well-lit, hospitable, collaborative centers fostering creativity and teamwork. Workplace culture and technology are key to employee retention in today’s economy.

Do you think the Covid-19 pandemic will have long-lasting effects on the function of workplaces? 

COVID has accelerated the use of technology, particularly as a communication and collaboration tool for all business applications. In-person teamwork will always play a part, but the efficiencies of teleconferencing proved of necessity during COVID, and will likely be a catalyst for offices to become high-end destinations for in-person meetings and brainstorming sessions with cafeterias and other amenities, rather than places to travel to just do focus-work. Additionally, workplace wellness will be an essential part of the design process, including ventilation, lateral spacing, and touch-free automation.

What are the key things businesses should consider when approaching a design and build-out project? 

Plan for the future. Design for flexibility. Create a space that will make people want to come to work. Design to your budget.

What do you think are the main benefits of a purpose-designed workplace? 

It will express company culture. It will create a buzz. Its ambience will overcome the disadvantages of a commute. It will be a launching pad for growth, not a cell where dreams are imprisoned.

Where do you see the future of workplace design heading? 

It will become more people-focused, more company-culture focused, and much more collaborative with the construction process to facilitate both cost-efficiency and timeline deliverables.


Create your flexible workplace with RI today 

RI designs and builds functional, flexible workspaces to boost productivity and build innovative, forward-thinking spaces for your business. We’re here to help you make the right choices and build a platform for future business growth and prosperity.


Get in touch to discuss the future of your workplace.

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