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Getting Greener With Plants In The Workspace

Plants that were intentionally brought to the office to increase employee happiness

Getting Greener With Plants In The Workspace

How do you make science work smarter for you? An easy fix for any office: add some plants to the environment and make them an important part of the company mix. Then sit back and enjoy the natural beauty and watch for some amazing benefits. What once began as an interesting topic for plant people to chew on has taken root in serious science. There is proof working in an environment with plants provides multiple benefits. At last we can measure what I have experienced for years: Plants make good sense in many ways. We can link working in plant filled environments to cleaner air, better health and increased productivity. Let’s look at each of these benefits in more detail.

Cleaner Air: When plants transpire water vapor from their leaves, they pull air down around their roots. This supplies their root microbes with oxygen. The root microbes also convert other substances in the air (such as toxic chemicals) into a source of food and energy.

Improved Health: Working in an environment that includes plants reduces carbon dioxide levels and lowers stress. People want to go to work in a healthy environment. Long-term benefits include increased productivity and reduced health care costs.

Increased Productivity: Plants and flowers inspire our creativity.

Science has spoken. Are we listening? Plants and flowers make good partners for the air, our health and bottom line productivity. Most importantly, they make us feel good!



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