Our Open House Event provided neighbors, clients, and potential clients the chance to meet the entire RI Workplace team.
Visitors could tour our new office and talk to our team to learn about the design features and the story behind our office design. See more here: https://riworkplace.com/our-workplace/
Attendees were able to experience a virtual reality walk-through of a space to see how our design technology works.
Our unique, interactive “Rate Your Office” tool was set up so clients and potential clients could take a short survey to find out how their office rates on a scale from 1-10. This is an educational tool our team created to help businesses understand how their staff feel about their workplace and whether changes should be made to the office environment.
We invited some of our vendors to set up display tables with trending workplace design products. This allowed our clients to see what types of solutions are readily available for creating their dream office.
Our team provided refreshments that visitors could enjoy during the Open House.
Securely access your project information and updates in a single place. By signing in to our online project portal, you’ll find details including job price summary, schedule, progress photos, and more.