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Different Design Processes

Architect working with client on a floorplan feasible floorplan

Different Design Processes

Let’s face it, in this world, we are all individuals. We have come from different cultures and backgrounds, our education and upbringing have varied considerably. Children growing up next door to each other will have different family influences and cultural influences brought from our ancestors. Even when our DNA construction is exactly the same as with identical twins, the twins grow to become different as they are exposed to different environments and experiences. No two people are exactly alike and as many would say, if we were, the world would be a very boring place. As a result of our differences, we all have different approaches to tackling tasks and different preferences for style. The process and style that goes into designing a space is one good example of this.   There are a multitude of approaches to taking on the task of designing a space. Some of these approaches include function and others are simply for aesthetical purposes. When contracting RI-Group to assist in the design process, don’t be shy in communicating your design preferences and needs for the space. Doing so is the best way to get the most out of the experience. In order to better understand the options, let’s explore some of the various design process approaches.

The Utilitarian

The designer that acts as a utilitarian mainly focuses on practicality. Aspects of a room need to have a purpose, as well as, look great. Picture a swooping piece of metal carefully shaped like ocean waves. While that piece of polished nickel might look like modern art, it can also be used to hold spare toilet paper in a bathroom. How about a whale tail made of wood hung against a wall? It’s interesting and eccentric but also makes a great hook to hang your coat on.  These are just a few ways to work function into form. This method of design is especially useful in small spaces where there isn’t enough room to be both stylistic and operational. Tiny homes are the epitome of utilitarian design. These trendy little houses are expected to look neat while still affording basic necessities such as storage areas and appliances. One common feature in these homes is a staircase made of drawers. What a brilliant way to make the most of the space that is available. There is no reason why business spaces can’t capitalize on these same ideas for design.  Every square foot a business leases is a cost to the bottom line. Using utilitarian design techniques, a business can be made to look modern and stylish while also providing functional spaces for their employees and customers. RI-Group can help you get the most value from the space you have to work within.

The Traditionalist

The best benefit of the traditional approach is that the design is meant to be timeless. There is no question that there are certain staples to every design that simply don’t show their age or ever go out of style. Neutral colors such as nudes and browns would be considered part of a traditional design.  Even black, white and gray color schemes can be considered neutral colors fitting to a classic look. Beyond using ageless colors, simple designs on fabrics and window/wall coverings can also contribute to creating a look that will not appear outdated even decades after it was installed. The traditionalist will typically design a space with the long term in mind. Keeping away from trends and flashy designs that will only be temporarily in style will help a business get more value from any spending done on interior design.  RI-Group excels in designing spaces that stand the test of time. Working with RI-Group and choosing a traditional design is a great way to invest just once in a quality design and not need to repeat the task, spending more money, time after time as the industry styles change. A classic design can also have an affluent look to it portraying class and elegance.  It’s unlikely anyone will become offended by such a classical design. Other design styles especially modern and eclectic can potentially have design elements that are misinterpreted or interpreted poorly.  These are risks that a business takes when straying away from the traditional and employing a more artistic design approach. Depending on the foundation of your business, a traditional design might be the most conservative approach and overall the most pleasing approach to all who will have an encounter with or use the space on a daily basis.

The Modernist

For the slightly less budget conscience business, keeping it modern will really help your customers know you are working within the times. That’s not to say that a modern style costs more to implement. It’s just that a modern style needs to be updated more often for it to stay modern. That may seem to be an obvious statement, but it is often forgotten when a modern style is chosen but not updated often enough. However, even though a modern style needs upkeep, there are many benefits to choosing this style that could have a positive effect on your business’s overall profitability. A modern looking business is reassuring to the customer because it instills the idea that the business is capable of dealing with modern issues.  A modern design is also often interpreted as creative and energetic. So while a modern design may need some refreshing from time to time, it could very well be worth the investment to do so. RI-Group has designed a number of locations with a modern flair and these environments are always customer welcoming and pleasing to the eye.  With plenty of light and color, modern designs can attract more attention and get your business noticed.  Like butterflies to a flower, RI-Group can help you attract customers to your business.

The Minimalist

Some people don’t like to be surrounded by too many things. They like open spaces and just what they need to function.  Others can’t afford large spaces. When a business has just enough space to function and doesn’t want to be bogged down by anything extra, the minimalist approach is best.  In this design approach the space is used for only what is needed. It is essentially designed with the simplest of approaches with no added complexity. Many times in the business world the expression “KISS” it is used.  This express comes from the U.S. Navy in the 1960’s.  It stands for “Keep it simple, stupid”. Maybe that’s not the nicest of expressions and could also be why in the 1970’s a few other variations were used like “Keep it short and simple” or “Keep it simple and straightforward”.  Still, to this day the KISS Principle is very much alive. It is engaged in many business methodologies.  Much like the fastest way to anywhere is a straight line, the KISS Principle employs just what is needed and nothing more or nothing less.  RI-Group is great at listening to exactly what your business needs so as to provide the most minimalist of designs resulting in the best value for your dollar.

The Family Friendly Approach

Depending on the type of business you are running, designing a family friendly space may be your best option. For instance, if your business needs an area for people to wait for your services to be rendered, a family friendly design is almost a necessity. Even in instances where your customers are your employees, a family friendly approach might be sensible. It can only help business productivity for your employees to be able to come to work instead of stay home when they are unable to obtain sitters or day care. Designing a room where children can be entertained and remotely monitored from an employee’s desk may not be the most insane of ideas.  Your employees can save thousands of dollars a week and would likely repay that savings through grateful hard work and longer hours. Successful businesses think out of the box and RI-Group can help your business by suggesting innovative ideas for design options that your business may not have even thought of. Let RI-Group take a look at your space and business architecture to propose design approaches that make sense for everyone, even those not directly a part of your business, but in many ways influence your business indirectly. This is especially the case when your business has specialized workers that need to be onsite to accomplish their goals.  Remote access is not an option in these instances and caring for those that the employee needs to care for may ensure better productivity and dedication.

The Eclectic

The eclectic design style derives inspiration from a wide variety of places. While eclectic design is not for everyone, everyone can usually find a piece within an eclectic design that speaks to them. An eclectic design approach is a little like rainbow sprinkles.  It’s a bit of every color and a bit of every style all mixed up in one space. When your business is looking to please the masses and likes the idea of combining different styles and perhaps cultures, an eclectic design may very well be your best choice. RI-Group has had a broad range of customers over the years and really has delved into all different stylistic approaches. RI-Group is a perfect partner for designing a space that brings in a variety of aspects from different styles. Combining all different components is what makes an eclectic design truly unique. In fact, an eclectic design is probably the most unique of all design styles as it offers the most versatility and there are no rules that need to be followed. Eclectic design can be motivating to employees because its fusion of different styles and ideas can bring cultures together in one space making each feel as though they have been respected and included. Eclectic designs work well for global businesses and large corporations needing to join a broad range of people under one umbrella.

While each design approach has its positive and negative aspects, there is no right or wrong approach.  There are also many more design approaches than discussed here. The best way to choose a style or mix of styles is to first analyze what your business needs to accomplish. Communicating with RI-Group the needs of your business is the surest way to develop a design that will work for your business.  Another important aspect of the selection process is who the business is trying to influence with the design.  If customers or clients are the target of influence then it makes the most sense to focus on their needs.  What type of customers does your business have? Are they individual business people as with maybe an accounting firm or audit firm or are the families as with a medical office or retail space?  Then there is the consideration of how much space do you have to work with.  If the space is exceedingly small for what you need to accomplish then a utilitarian or minimalist approach is best. If you have a large space that you need to fill up so it’s not so daunting, then maybe an eclectic or modern design would be most interesting and effective. As people are individuals, so are spaces. RI-Group makes the most of the space and the situation to provide the best overall design for the project. Communicating the needs of the business and the people for which your business serves is going to result in the most value and the best overall implementation of design for your business.


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