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Is Your Workspace Geared To Attract Top Talent?

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Is Your Workspace Geared To Attract Top Talent?

Firms with an emphasis on attracting top talent are moving away from the traditional cubicle arrangements and seek to install well-designed spaces to represent their brand and aide in attracting employees with extraordinary talents.

Here are 5 elements to consider when attempting to do this…

  1. Understand How Design Aesthetics Attract Talent

Software and tech companies are great at attracting talent because they understand that collaboration is the new “black” within workplace culture and in turn create office layouts that reflect their collaborative vision, with highly functional and modern interiors that promote a sense of openness and cooperation.

  1. Create Spaces That Transform and Adapt

Companies that can foresee and prepare for changes in technology, culture and trends are the ones that will stand the test of time. Setting the stage for a malleable and fluid workplace will allow for flexibility in execution of their respective industries’ products or services. Designing a workplace that can adapt and transform with its employees creates an underlying sense that change is not only welcome but wholeheartedly encouraged.

  1. Adopt a Startup Mindset

Startup culture is a fresh approach to promoting a work environment that emphasizes innovation and a solutions-first mindset. By embracing a startup mentality and openness in the workplace, adopting spaces that integrate cutting-edge technologies, and building a culture of litheness and change into the spaces you occupy, companies can create a culture that can replicate the same spaces of advanced, experienced tech entities.

  1. Focus on a Technology-First Approach

Next-gen companies looking for agility and efficiency should design with those concepts in mind. Contractors like UA Builders Group leverage tech solutions like Building Information Modeling (BIM), a tool for creating dynamic virtual blueprints.

BIM is a sophisticated platform where architects, engineers, subcontractors, and project managers can all offer their input in real-time. These technologies are inherently “social,” similar to open source technology tools like Slack and Basecamp, which are used as communication and workflow platforms at Millennial-focused companies.

  1. Emphasize: Delegation, Communication & Efficiency

Those companies adopting new methods and technology to improve office efficiencies would benefit greatly seeking design that embraces a similar approach to streamlining projects. This approach is not necessarily about doing more in less time, but rather identifying and implementing better solutions.

Companies seeking to build or reconstruct the workplaces of tomorrow must increasingly be attuned to current tastes. By focusing on these five areas and working with potential construction and design partners like RI Group that are equally fresh and progressive-thinking.


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