9 of the Most Common Facility Management Challenges in 2023

8 of the Most Common Facility Management Challenges in 2023 header image of facilities managers with clipboards

9 of the Most Common Facility Management Challenges in 2023

We gained a deep understanding and insight into Facility Managers challenges from interviews that the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) had carried out with New York’s leading Facilities Managers, as part of their FM Spotlight series. Along with fascinating insights into the FMs’ day-to-day operations, motivations, inspirations, and success stories, we also learnt about their biggest challenges; many of which were shared by organizations across the board.

So what are their main pain points? And are there solutions?

9 Big Challenges for FMs and How RI Addresses Them

1. The slow pace of real estate work 

As Ken Abrahams of CareCentrix puts it, ‘Real Estate projects don’t happen overnight, so we need to be looking six to 18 months down the road at all times.’

Solution: At RI, we understand this challenge, which is why, right from the outset of any project we enquire about your timeline requirements in order to align the project’s schedule with your schedule. In fact, our unique process reduces concept-to-completion time by 30%.

2. Outgrowing the space too quickly 

We get it. The world of work never sits still. A business can go from a small enterprise to a global corporation in what feels like the blink of an eye. While this is a great achievement, it doesn’t come without its challenges – one being the need for more space quickly! 

Solution: At the beginning of any project, RI takes your growth projections into account and comes up with a plan that’s future-proofed so you don’t make expensive real estate mistakes.

3. Planning a real estate future when headcount projections aren’t in place 

This was an issue shared by many of the FMs in the IFMA Spotlight interviews.

Solution: At RI we address this by delivering our space evaluation and analysis services, which brings rational forecasting to bear on space requirement projections.

person jumping from past to future

4. Creating attractive and flexible workspaces when companies want to reduce occupancy and depreciation costs 

Vito Bacarella of UBS cited this as one of his biggest business challenges.

Solution: This is where RI can help you excel – it’s our talented design department’s bread and butter.

5. Planning for a future in our post-pandemic world

Many of NY’s top FMs have the same questions: how much is too much space? How much is too little? 

Solution: This is where RI’s space analysis and evaluation services come into their own, again. Our service brings forecasting to bear on the space requirement projections while factoring in hybrid working arrangements in accord with end-user policy.

historic buildings in NY

6. Making historic buildings work for companies in 2023

The idea of housing a cutting-edge company in a century-old loft space might sound romantic – but old buildings come with their own set of distinct challenges, as Jeremy Brooks of the New York Fire Department attested. ‘The biggest obstacle we face is the size of our buildings. 70% of them are more than 75 years old, and to make them functional and compliant with new technology, new mandates and the size of fire trucks is not easy,’ he told the IFMA.

So, how do you make old buildings compliant with new specifications and technology? 

Solution: We know this is no easy fix for lots of companies, which is why we developed our own in-house engineering capabilities and work alongside talented engineering partners to support our clients. We specialize in producing smart, cost-effective solutions for those of you whose businesses are homed in historic buildings.

7. Keeping up with business changes as the planning cycles for business become shorter

‘It can often take additional upfront capital investments to build out facilities in anticipation of the need for agility or we end up with write-offs and having to sublet costs,’ said Sally Fisher of the American Red Cross.

Solution: There’s no reason why flexibility shouldn’t be factored into the new design of every workplace. This is another area where RI fully supports our clients.

facilities managers sat around a table

8. Lack of suitable meeting spaces 

‘The larger the organization, the more meetings conducted at any given time and the more meeting rooms that need to be managed. We all scramble to find available conference rooms for in-person meetings or to host conference calls.’ So said Denise Ditta of Marubeni-Itochu Steel America Inc (MISA).

Solution: Our space analysis and evaluation services help our clients overcome this particular obstacle, by using forecasting to ascertain future meeting space allocation and design.

9.  Employees demanding more amenities, more services, trendier décor 

‘To attract and retain talent, companies are constantly transforming and improving their workplaces. Employees are requesting more amenities, expanded services and a trendier décor,’ LinkedIn’s Katie Campofelice said in her FM Spotlight interview.

Solution: RI’s space analysis and evaluation services refine the best payback scenario for amenity and services upgrades. While our design team keeps up-to-date with the latest trends and works closely with manufacturers whose expansive knowledge of cost-effective, contemporary solutions result in spaces that are as attractive as they are affordable.


FMs are facing myriad challenges in today’s ever-shifting work landscapes. But where there are problems, there are solutions and new opportunities. It means companies like ours make innovation key to relieving these headaches.

At RI we always pride ourselves on designs that are people-centric, future-proofed and user-friendly. Our mission is to create spaces that attract and retain top talent, and enhance the employee experience, leading to maximized productivity and growth.

Like to talk to us? Get in touch today

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