5 Reasons January is the Perfect Time to Plan an Office Renovation

Classic boardroom with staff in meeting

5 Reasons January is the Perfect Time to Plan an Office Renovation

It can feel like time stops in January and February, the deep winter months seemingly signalling endless days of cold white skies, dark days and long nights. It’s easy to get in a rut and put off the big decisions until the trees start to blossom, but here’s the thing: nature is quietly getting ready for the year ahead, right now – and so can you!

We always advise our clients and partners to use the start of the year as a time to evaluate their workspace and begin putting plans into motion. In this blog, we’re going to share our Top 5 reasons why. And just to add, the images you’ll see in this blog post are all dream offices we completed recently (in 2023!) for our clients.

1. It sets the bar for success

The month of January represents new beginnings and a chance to start afresh. By embarking on an office redesign or relocation project now, companies can set about aligning their physical workspace with their culture, values and overall vision, from the get-go, setting the tone for success in the year ahead.

Workspace interior design with bar stools

2. It makes you act on last year’s growth and success

The end of the year is a natural time to reflect on business growth and accomplishments. And if your company enjoyed significant growth or underwent changes in 2023, now is a really good time to check if your office space is up to the task. A workplace redesign or relocation can accommodate your evolving needs, whether it’s expanding your team, creating collaborative spaces, or incorporating new technologies. It’s a chance to align your office environment with your current and future business objectives.

3. It’s a chance to capitalize on tax benefits

In New York State, businesses may be eligible for tax incentives and benefits when undertaking office redesign or relocation projects. Firing into action in January and February, rather than leaving it until spring, presents a great opportunity to explore these incentives and leverage them early to reduce costs.

Our in-house experts can help you navigate the complexities of tax benefits in order to maximize your savings as part of our service (along with creating a workplace you’ll love).

A communal workspace with a shared desk setup

4. It minimizes disruption and downtime

Planning an office redesign or relocation requires careful coordination and execution. By taking advantage of this refreshing period at the beginning of the year, you can avoid potential disruptions during peak business seasons. Proper planning and project management will ensure a much smoother transition.

5. It shows you’re serious about staying ahead of the curve

In today’s ultra-competitive business landscape, staying ahead is crucial. An office redesign or relocation can give your business a competitive edge by creating a modern and innovative workspace. This in turn sends a powerful message to clients, partners, employees and new talent. It says your business is forward-thinking and committed to providing the best environment. By investing in your office space, you demonstrate your dedication to employee happiness – our favourite key driver in a business’s growth and success.

Modern office and receptionist area at ESTI

Our final word on the subject…

As the new year unfolds, businesses in New York City and the surrounding suburbs have a unique opportunity to kickstart their office redesign or relocation plans and create a workspace that aligns with their goals, accommodates growth, and enhances their team’s happiness and productivity. 

With decades of experience in the industry, we know this is often easier said than done to those who may have never gone through an office renovation before. This is why we’ll be sharing a series of ‘How-to’ articles in the coming months, detailing all the ins and outs of the office renovation or relocation process. From navigating rapid company expansion to negotiating an advantageous corporate lease, be on the lookout for our advice.

In the meantime, if you know you’re ready to start the office redesign or relocation journey, get in touch with our design and build experts today. With the right partner, the process needn’t be a minefield but the start of an exciting adventure which positions you for success in the years ahead.



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