Wellness Tag

Attract Employees With Positive Work Culture Thirty-seven percent of job candidates will accept a job with a lower salary if the company offers an appealing culture, workplace and technology. A study by Hassell and Empirica Research looked at how workplace design affects company's ability to be "job-seeker-attractive". This means that...

What Type of Office Attracts Top Talent? According to Forbes, the secret to attracting high-quality applicants is differentiating yourself from other industry players, and showing top talent how joining your company can help them reach their career goals. Your company’s office is a concrete and tangible way...

7 Workspace Wellness Tips Work is a Leading Cause of Stress According to the American Institute of Stress, an estimated 75–90% of visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related disorders, and studies confirm that occupational pressures and fears are the leading source of stress for American...