8 Unique Design Features Showcasing RI Workplace’s Creativity

Full Wall Mural

8 Unique Design Features Showcasing RI Workplace’s Creativity

For us, every project we work on is an opportunity to create a space that not only embodies the business’s brand but also delivers something unique – a one-off design feature that says ‘Hello. This is who we are’!
We love working with our clients to push the boundaries of traditional office design and incorporate features that make a statement. Not only because such features capture the attention of visitors and potential new talent, but because – and we know this first-hand – they also make for a space that boosts wellbeing, creativity, collaboration, and productivity amongst the existing team.
We’ve been taking a look back at some of our favorite projects and created a shortlist of eight of our favorite design elements that combine creativity with functionality.

1. Union County Savings Bank’s zig-zag light feature

RI Workplace’s Design Director, Komel Saeed explains: “I designed a zigzag light because Union County Savings Bank (UCSB) has a star in their logo that has the same angle degree as the zigzag we designed for the conference room ceiling. I always try to incorporate the brand identity in the design and this was a subtle way of doing it.”

2. Tweezerman HQ’s textured wall

Office lobby with textured feature walls

This custom feature wall adds depth and a sense of movement and character to the reception area of the tweezer giant’s corporate office space in Port Washington, NY. It’s a subtle but statement point of difference that elevates the space’s ambiance and sets a unique tone.

3. PowerPak’s 30-ft NYC mural

Office with a Mural that is full wall size

At PowerPak, we created a standout 30-foot mural of the Manhattan skyline – bringing the buzz, energy and industry of the Big Apple to the New York construction company’s corporate offices.

4. KDLM law firm’s unique blend of tradition and modernity 

Lounge area in New York City law firm that was recently renovated

RI Workplace’s Design Director, Komel explains: “KDLM is a prestigious law firm that wanted to modernize their office while still maintaining the integrity and seriousness of the business. The design features we chose were aesthetically pleasing and functional. For example we opened all the ceilings to give a nice open look but dropped felt panels so they could absorb sound and break up the large open white ceiling deck. I would describe the overall design as ‘soft luxury’. The light fixtures were especially my favorite to design.”

5. Marotta Controls’ plant and artwork wall 

Communal Office Space with sound dampening

Branding extends beyond logos – it permeates every aspect of a workspace. At Marotta Controls –  a firm specializing in the global security and aerospace sector – we incorporated a plant and artwork wall that not only brings the outside world in, but also reinforces the company’s identity and commitment to a healthy environment.

6. ESTI Warehouse’s exposed brick wall and industrial styling

RI Workplace Project Administrator, Wendy Macdonald says: “The client chose to have an exposed brick wall after seeing a similar installation in our own showroom. They liked that it was an authentic way to bring an industrial feel to their corporate offices while preserving the down-to-earth warmth of their tire brand.”

“We were also able to achieve the client’s furniture vision. We hadn’t previously worked with their preferred brand but we were able to accommodate this and purchase the exact products they were looking for. Our ability to partner with a vast majority of furniture manufacturers means we can carefully customize solutions for each client’s desires.”

7. Coulmed and Phoenix’s custom collaboration-hives: 

Office with multiple collaboration spaces

Glass Walled Collaboration Spaces

A hive is a wood-enclosed hangout designed to accommodate 2-6 people – ideal for confidential conversations and casual meetings that don’t require a boardroom set-up but which also promote open and transparent communication. 

We created custom collaboration hives at surgical supplies company, Coulmed, and fragrance manufacturer Phoenix – both pictured above. We love collaboration hives so much we installed them at our own workplace in Saddle Brook, NJ, too (pictured below). With integrated technology and power points, they deliver the perfect blend of privacy and connectivity.

One on One privacy booths in the shape of a octagon

8. Samples Library at RI Workplace


Our own office transformation showcases our commitment to innovation. We went from inhabiting a nondescript blank canvas (when we moved into our new space in 2020) to a workplace that seamlessly meshes together all of our favorite design ideas. One of these ideas was our ‘Samples library’ where clients can explore our samples-catalogues and design literature to feel inspired. There are comfy chairs to relax in, and a ‘bar top’ and stools to read at and enjoy a coffee too.

In summary

At RI Workplace, we believe that exceptional design can be found in the details as well as in the wider space. For us, it’s about creating environments that inhale and exhale the unique culture, characters and ambitions of a company. We like to think our projects are a testament to our passion for creativity – and we hope you do too.

Office redesign coming up? Contact us today to create your unique office space  



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